6 Things you didn’t know about Tibetan carpet

6 Things you didn’t know about Tibetan carpet

1. Located in the north-west part of China: Huangzhong county, Xining city, Qinghai province; it has a history of 3000 years.

2. The 7th generation: Master Yang is a 7th generation practitioner. He is the only practitioner in Jiaya village with a studio. There might not be an 8th generation Yang master because all his children are working in other industries

3. Two types of carpets: There are two types of Tibetan Carpets - Anduo and Kangba. Anduo carpet is a mixture representation of Han and Tibetan culture; Kangba carpet only represents Tibetan culture.

4. Bright and diverse colors: Tibetans crave for colorful carpets because the colors in their surroundings are not as diverse. They live in a region with high altitude and low temperature, therefore not a lot of flowers can grow under this climate.

5. Unique and exquisite wool: the specific wool produced in Qinghai province is very well-known for their quality. It is extremely beautiful and delicate because of the unpolluted environment. Tibetan carpets use this kind of exquisite wool to produce the highest quality of carpets.

6. Long longevity: machine made carpets may only last for about 5-10 years, while hand-made Tibetan carpets can be used for generations. Master Yang still has a carpet that is more than 200 years old.

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